Past Exhibitions Revisions: Celebrating Fifty Years of the UMBC Photography Collections September 3 – December 15, 2024 Revisions: Celebrating Fifty Years of the UMBC Photography Collections features highlights and lesser-known gems from Anastasia Samoylova FloodZone January 29–May 24, 2024 In 2016, Anastasia Samoylova (American, b. Soviet Union, b. 1984) moved to Miami, Florida. As she Lost Boys: Amos Badertscher’s Baltimore August 30–December 15, 2023 Lost Boys: Amos Badertscher’s Baltimore is the first career retrospective of artist Amos Badertscher (American, 1936–2023) Ola Belle Reed: I’ve Endured March 27—June 30, 2023 With a voice born in the mountains and shaped by the hard times she lived and Aaron Siskind: Formations October 31, 2022--March 12, 2023 Aaron Siskind (American, 1903–1991) was one of the most influential figures in the development of Sonya Clark: Hair/Craft October 31, 2022–March 12, 2023 Sonya Clark (b. 1967) is a multidisciplinary artist whose work explores issues of identity, race, Prison Nation August 22--October 14 Most prisons and jails across the United States do not allow prisoners to have access to cameras. North Pole Narratives: Photographs from the Wendorff Collection on Robert E. Peary Beginning in the sixteenth century many nations embarked on a mission to find the Northwest Passage, a sea route connecting Louie Palu: Distant Early Warning Distant Early Warning, a multi-year project (2015-2018) by Canadian/American photojournalist Louie Palu, provides a look at the evolving militarization in 1 2 3 … 6 Next »