September 16 – December 20, 2013
This exhibition presents 34 letterpress prints produced by a group of international artists as part of the Vista Sans Wood Type Project, an experimental type and print project that blends modern technology with a historic printing process to produce a hybrid form of typographic design.
The Vista Sans Wood Type Project was organized by Tricia Treacy and Ashley John Pigford.

Rose Gridneff & Alex Cooper
Letterpress print, 2012
17.5” x 27”

Dafi Kuhne
Letterpress print, 2012
17.5” x 28.5”
Public Program
Artist’s Talk: Ashley John Pigford
6:00 p.m. Thursday, November 21
Ashley John Pigford is a practicing visual artist and graphic designer, and a professor of graphic and interaction design at the University of Delaware. Pigford’s work examines the relationships between technology, materials and experience. His cross-disciplinary and highly collaborative design/art work involves a wide range of media experiences including traditional print design, motion graphics, interactive installation, kinetic sculpture, digitally-augmented performance and letterpress printing.
Reception to follow