
Inge Morath: The Road to Reno

On the set of The Misfits
Reno, Nevada

10 September – 10 December 2007

This exhibition presents black and white and color photographs made by the Austrian-born Inge Morath, documenting an eighteen-day trip across the United States made with fellow Magnum photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson in 1960. The trip concluded with covering the filming of The Misfits, the motion picture starring Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe, in Reno, Nevada. Excerpts from Morath’s personal travel journal accompany the photographs which offer perspectives of America exotic even to most Americans.

The Road to Reno is a touring exhibition organized by the Inge Morath Foundation. Support for presentation of the exhibition at UMBC comes from an arts program grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency funded by the State of Maryland and the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support comes from the Friends of the Library & Gallery.

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