Winged Flying Dog, 1979
Polaroid print
22 x 27 1/8 in.
August 28–December 18, 2019
Experimentalist: The Art of Robert W. Fichter presents the first retrospective of the artist’s career in over thirty years. Drawn from his archive at UMBC, the 55 works in this exhibition created between 1962 and 2006 highlight Fichter’s exploration of the human condition across photography, printmaking, and painting. Fichter employs shifting moods and mediums as well as wit, humor, and satire to deliver trenchant critiques of war, nuclear proliferation, and environmental disaster. Firmly rooting his expressive compositions in a strong sense of place—the surreal landscapes of his native Florida—Fichter presents a singular vision of humanity on the brink.

Silver dye-bleach print

Silver dye-bleach print

Cyanotype, tempera, watercolor

“It’s just like life flashing before your eyes,” 1982
Color lithograph

Cyanotype, gum bichromate print

from the series Bones and Rock Garden Drawings, 1980
Lithograph, watercolor
Public Program
September 24, 5:00pm,
The Art of Robert W. Fichter:
Talks by Eileen Cowin, Adam Straus, and Tom Beck
The presentation of this exhibition is supported by an arts program grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency funded by the State of Maryland and the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support comes from the Libby Kuhn Endowment Fund, as well as individual contributions.